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Beyond the AI Hype Cycle: Why Expertise Still Matters

ColdFace Interactive
5 min readJul 25, 2024


If it feels like AI is taking over everything, from your favorite Q&A site to your go-to design tool? You’re not alone.

But the push back has begun.

Artists, designers, writers, singers, creators & experts are registering their protest against the blatant grab of their assets for free by large tech giants.

The US congress, Brazilian government & EU- all have sounded the alarm bells and initiated actions to monitor & regulate AI companies.

We believe that AI is too important not to regulate, but also too important not to regulate well. From a policy agenda standpoint, it means focusing on the notion of responsibility with these large language models.
Quote by Halimah Delaine Prado, Google EMTECH MIT 2023

Quora Experiments with AI

Back in 2018, I was a top writer on Quora,in the gaming niche.

My answers weren’t just about listing facts; they were like having a one-on-one chat, packed with insights and context.

But now, Quora’s letting AI bots in alongside real human experts. And honestly? It shows.Users were quick to red flag these answers.

They lack the personal touch needed to respond to an answer, which is important to the persons asking the questions.

If Quora keeps pushing these AI responses, it could water down the platform’s value.

The whole point of Quora was to get unique insights from real people, not cookie-cutter answers from a machine.

And it’s not just Quora.

Some of you may have seen oddly phrased questions for experts on LinkedIn. The question and answers look misaligned with each other.

It’s a bit off-putting, as it turns meaningful exchanges into awkward, impersonal interactions.

So, are we trading genuine connections for convenience?

Canva & Figma: The AI Dilemma

Canva and Figma, big names in the design world, have jumped on the AI bandwagon, too.

Canva’s approach is pretty inclusive, making it easy for anyone — pro or amateur — to create something cool. Their AI tools are more like helpers, not replacements.

Figma, though, are giving anxious moments to seasoned UX/UI designers.

The worry?

AI might churn out ‘pro-level’ designs without much human input, blurring the lines between amateur and professional work.

This could devalue the expertise that real designers bring to the table.

How would we value a design churned out by a person who can use Figma’s AI, but never studied design principles?

It’s a scary thought for those who’ve honed their craft for years or decades.

Expert vs. AI: The Ongoing Tug-of-War

Sure, AI can crunch data and spit out answers faster than we can blink.

But can it replace years of experience and the nuanced judgment that comes with it?

Not really. While AI is great for some tasks, it can’t replicate the depth and intuition of a seasoned expert.

Take Google, for instance.

In March 2024, they rolled out an update that slapped down websites relying heavily on AI-generated content.

Why? Because they wanted to bring back the focus on human-created, original work.

This move highlights a crucial point- authentic human expertise still matters.

Google actions were clearly in response to data showing that unrestricted use of AI can lead to misuse and lower the quality of online content.

Maybe Quora and Figma could take a page from Google’s book?

The Big Tech Challenge: Paying for Expertise

AI models need fresh, expert knowledge to stay relevant. But scraping data from the web isn’t cutting it anymore.

Companies like Google, Anthropic, Nvidia and Perplexity are under fire for their data scraping practices.

The solution? they may have to start paying experts for their insights.

There are recent reports based on a study of 14000 web domains where, “publishers and online platforms have taken steps to prevent their data from being harvested.”

If the trend catches, the days of free data may disappear in quick-time.

In all probability we’re moving towards an era where genuine expertise will see a drastic increase in value — and companies will have to pay up to access expert knowledge.

The Future of Expertise in the Age of AI

Experts are the real MVPs in the content creation world. They drive innovation and bring new ideas to life.

Everyone else rely on them to form opinions, run content mills & create the noise.

Without their continued input, AI systems would just recycle old information. Remember AI depends on human generated data.

Up-till now, It was trained on yesterdays data, but to keep looking smart,it needs to keep consuming every new development taking place everyday in the world.

Creator in front of his work station

Way forward for the Creators, Designers & Experts.

As we navigate this AI-driven landscape, it’s clear that human expertise isn’t becoming obsolete — it’s evolving.

The platforms and individuals who can effectively combine AI efficiency with human insight will likely come out on top.

For creators, this means you have to adapt, as you develop your unique skills, and find ways to showcase the value that only human expertise can provide.

While AI is here to stay, its integration won’t happen overnight.

We’re at the start of a journey to discover where LLMs truly fit in our lives and businesses.

This transition will require patience, creativity, and a commitment to solving real-world problems.

As we navigate this new landscape, remember that even the most transformative technologies need time to find their place in the world.

What’s your take on growing role of AI on your expertise? How are you adapting your work or business to these changes? Share your thoughts in the comments.

PS- I write a weekly newsletter about XR-AI-3D-Design-Game. Glad to cover your project, podcast, case-study, use-case, story or idea. Please send a DM.Its Free.



ColdFace Interactive

Ghostwriter I Producer I Course Creator I Content Strategy I Articles I Blogs- 3d-XR-Gen AI- Design- Games- Metaverse -Software & Tech. Let Me Write For You.