From Gamers to Creators: The Rise of User Generated Content (UGC)

ColdFace Interactive
3 min readMay 23, 2024


Revenue share of User Generated Content (UGC) for Fortnite Creative, Core Games & Roblox
Credit: Core Games

What is User Generated Content (UGC) in Games?

User Generated Content (UGC) refers to content created by players within a game or game platform, using the inbuilt tools, 2D & 3D assets, sounds, and effects to create and publish game content.

One of the Oldest forms of UGC are maps and levels, where players design new environments and challenges for others to play. Another common form is mods, where players with coding skills modify the game’s code to introduce new features or mechanics.

Players also create in-game items or virtual objects like characters, clothing, weapons, or vehicles, which can be sold on asset stores to earn points or money. Some games allows players to craft narratives and experiences within the game world, enriching the overall gaming experience.

Types and Genres of Games that Promote UGC

Some of the most popular games and platforms that enable players to generate in-game content are:

1. Minecraft: Known for its block-building mechanics and vast modding community.

2. Roblox: A platform that entirely depends on UGC (200 million plus monthly users), allowing users to create their own games and experiences.

3. Fortnite: Offers a creative mode where players can build their own islands and game modes.

4. Core: Built on Unreal provides a no-code platform and a one-button publishing option to share games and earn.

5. Dreams: by Media Molecule allows players to craft narratives for PS4/PS5.

6. Garry’s Mod: One of the oldest and highest rated UGC games for PC’s, available on STEAM.

7. Sandbox: Promoted by Game Maker is the latest entrant to the UGC platforms.

Benefits of UGC for Developers and Players

UGC taps into the creative nature of players, offering incentives to promote players personal growth and improve player engagement and retention with the game. While creating entire games is challenging, making smaller assets is easier, motivating players to start creating.

These platforms function like a digital version of a physical LEGO construction sets, that allows players to test their ideas and create without fear of failure.

For developers, UGC reduces the cost and effort required for new game development. Fresh content, attracts more players, increases brand loyalty, and improves profits.

For players, its a platform to showcase their skills and become a source of income once their games click with the platforms large captive audience.

For instance, Roblox paid out nearly $700 million to creators in 2023, Fortnite creator program has a 88% payout ratio on the asset store FAB, and Core Games provides a 50:50 revenue split.

The Future of UGC

Entering the field of game development has never been easier, until now. Almost all barriers to entry have been removed with these game platforms.

But it’s not easy,and the competition is high. You will have to put in long hours and dedication to the craft of game development. Every aspiring creator needs to develop strong design, artistic, or coding skills. You’ll have to master the in-built tools of the game platform and use them to wow everyone with your imagination and creativity.

Keep in mind that players will expect the same high level of quality in your games that you enjoy from games created by other developers.

Steps to Succeed as a UGC Creator

1. Develop High Value Skills: Use UGC creation as a stepping stone to develop real-world you can leverage on other platforms too.

2. Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio of high quality projects guided by feedback from peers.

3. Create a Support Network: Build a community of friends and colleagues who support your work.

4. Monetize Your Work: Pitch your work outside the platform to find paid projects and generate more revenue streams.


Like any other career, being a UGC creator comes with its ups and downs. The industry is always evolving, with new UGC platforms popping up, which means more opportunities and better prospects. Plus, tech scene is getting better and cheaper all the time, so the learning curve isn’t as steep as it used to be. As your skills improve, if you can bring passion and drive, you’ll be in a rare position to make a career out of doing what you love.



ColdFace Interactive

Ghostwriter & Course Designer: your ideas transformed into irresistible stories that engage.